Mystery Babylon
Discovering the mysterious that come up
How is it that my mind is so high above
Everything I see is so pity and beneath me
Not that I'm so great
But that the world is so weak
Trying to make something out of nothing
Don't they see that it's all just hopeless?
Giving up before I began I saw the failure
Lost now to the locks of time
Never going forward or back just stuck in the muck
So much needs to be said but no one will speak
Afraid to lift their voice up
In an hour where there is no free speech
Someone's always got an agenda
Or feelings that are so frail anything can break them apart
I extol the man that will stand up for what is right
The difference that he has made in his heart
To be above the wickedness of this place
Drunk with power and cursed with lust
Does no one see this placing returning to dust?
No one wants to wake up they wanna stay in the matrix
Lost to the hand of computerized wizerds
The mystery is in life and the fact no one can find it
Aimlessly walking about the truth never comes out
Searching and scratching through shit for billions of years
So many tried that they rest fall apart
Giving up so quickly the power of thought drove them out
Not able to see past what was in sight
Nothing can be acomplished without will and these people are without
A dim future waits in the shadows of decay for us
Carry us through now someone before all the light goes out
This world around us is closing in fast
How do we get out is forgotten and the people clam up
But I will speak up and I will stand out
Thrusting truth into the heart of weakness
Showing the world and all in it that I am the one
King of my destiny now you must create your own crowns
As the divine walk the earth everything is made right
But no one wants to stand up no one wants to try
Held up in the web of terror no cries ring out
No shouts for help no yearnings to be free
So I walk alone ruler of everything and nothing
All at once I take the reigns of my once broken mind
With the ability to see out of the darkness and straight past the night
Daylight creeps where the monsters once sat and ate
And I wish you all could see me succeeding
But you're blind to it all and now you'll die in your sleep
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